Speciality show for I FCI group 21.05.2022.

Date: 21.05.2022.
Place: "ĀDIŅAS", Katlakalns, Ķekava Parish, LV-2111
Judges: Bogusław Chmiel (Poland) un Daiva Rimaitytė (Lithuania).
NB!!! Show committee keeps the right to change the judge if necessary!
LKF biedriem (katrs nākošais suns) |
Foreign participants (every next dog) |
Pāru konkurs Couple competition |
visi dalībnieki | *mazuļi, kucēni, veterāni | all participants | *baby, puppies, veterans | ||
Līdz 12.V | 25 (23) | 15 | 40 (38) | 25 | 10 |
13.V - 16.V | 35 | 20 | 50 | 35 | 10 |
Registration ends at 16.05.2022.
*Mazuļu, kucēnu, veterānu klases - bez atlaidēm.
*baby, puppy, veteran class - without discount.
Veterāni no 10. gadiem (senioru klasē) un pārējie konkursi - bezmaksas.
For veterans older than 10 yrs. (in Senior class), breeder's group competition, progeny group competition - registration is free of charge.
e-mail: reg@lagsak.lv
Phones : +371 26195330 Svetlana (RU); +371 20004730 Olga (LV,RU)
Foreign participants may pay via bank transfer or by cash on the show day.
To register on a show, please fill electronic entry form at our website at http://reg.pet and provide all required information. Please provide a copy of a pedigree, copy of a championship certificate if you compete in a champion class, or a copy of working certificate if you compete in working class.
All payments may be arranged at the venue on the show’s day, price calculated according to the date of application (electronic webform).
You should provide a guarantee letter if you prefer to pay the money in cash on the show’s day.
Participation in show's competitions are free of charge (this includes Breeder's group competition and Progeny group competition).
When all documents are received by us, we will send You a confirmation email about registration to our show. If you didn't get Confirmation email during 5 working days, please contact us!
„Latvijas Aitu un Ganu Suņu Audzētāju Klubs” Biedrība
Registration number: 50008121041
Bank account number (IBAN): LV54HABA0551037770360
"Swedbank" AS