Agility competition "Riga Mayor Cup 2018"

LAGSAK in cooperation with SSAC welcomes you to international agility competition "Riga Mayor Cup 2018" - the biggest agility event in Baltic states!
Dates and place: 04-05-06.05.2018; Ezermalas street 30, Riga (Sport complex Keizarmezs)
Judge: Sascha Grunder (Switzerland) (A1, A2, A3, OPEN); Lidija Belajeva (Latvia) (A0+veterans)
Organizers: LAGSAK in cooperation with SSAC and LIVERiga
Surface and ring: artifical grass, 20*40 meters
Timing system: electronic
Limit of participants: 100 pair or 270 runs per day.
On-line registration
List of participants
FB event
Competition schedule:
04.05.2018, Friday:
A0, Veterani - 2 jumping courses (prize giving for both courses together)
A3 S/M – jumping+2 agility courses (prize giving for each course)
A3 L – jumping+2 agility courses (prize giving for each course)
A2 - 1 agility course
A1 - 1 agility course
05.05.2018, Saturday:
A0, Veterani - 2 jumping courses (prize giving for both courses together)
A1 - 2 agility courses (prize giving for each course)
A2 - 2 agility courses (prize giving for each course)
OPEN agility*
A3 S/M/L – 2 agility+jumping courses (prize giving for each course)
06.05.2018, Sunday,
A3 - jumping+CACIAg (prize giving for both courses together)
OPEN agility*
FINĀLS Agility**// Prize giving for 2 OPEN courses together**
A2 - agility+jumping courses (prize giving for each course)
A1 – jumping+agility courses (prize giving for each course)
Entree fees:
• A0, Veterans – 10 EUR per day, veterans over 10 years – 5 EUR per day;
• A1, A2, A3 – 8 EUR per single run;
• CACIAg+jumping A3 – 20 EUR per both courses;
• OPEN courses – 6 EUR for one course, 10 EUR for two courses.
• LAGSAK discount certificates can be used on all courses, except OPEN and CACIAg+jumpingA3 courses.
PAYMENTS: You can pay in cash on spot
IMPORTANT! If you’ll cancel your entry after the end of registration (23.04.2018.) entry fee must be paid in full amount, except cases, if you’ll provide a doctor’s note for you or your dog.
* On OPEN courses can participate all dogs from 18th months of age, including A0 and veteran dogs. Single OPEN courses will be not awarded.
** Rules for FINAL «Riga Mayors Cup 2018»: number of participant in final depends on number of participants in each high category. From each OPEN agility course in each high category to final goes:
• If 20 participants inclusive – 5 couples, placed from 1st to 5th places.
• If from 21 to 30 participants inclusive – 6 couples, placed from 1st to 6th places.
• If from 31 participants inclusive –7 couples, placed from 1st to 7th places.
• Number of penalties on course are not matters.
• If couple got spot in final from the first open course, and then the same couple got another spot from second open course, its spot will NOT be forwarded to next couple.
• Disqualified couples can’t go to final from the course, where they are disqualified.
• The winners (same dog and handler) of the “Riga Mayor Cup 2017” will be selected to final automatically so they can defend their title: Stefi Prrakli&Ettie; Jekaterina Lidija Belajeva&Marvitholl Dynasty; Lidija Belajeva&Marvitholl Double Coffee.
• In final run “Riga Mayor Cup 2017” first three places will be awarded in each high category.
Award of overall standings:
• In each high category three first places will be awarded in OPEN courses overall standings
• The winners will be calculated by the sum of all penalties in all three courses and the total time on all two OPEN courses.
• Couple with best time and less faults, counting all three courses together, will be the winner in overall. Next couple will took 2nd and 3rd place overall.
• If couple not participate in one or several OPEN courses, it got 500 penalty for each missed course.
- - Competition is organized according to FCI Agility Regulations.
- A-0 can participate dogs from 12 months old. Course will contain only jumps and hard tunnels. The jump height depending on class: Large – 45 cm, Medium – 30 cm, Small – 20 cm.
- Veteran class –can participate all dogs from 8 years; will run the same courses as A0 class.
-- If class contains less than 3 participants it will be combined with another by organizers decision.
-- Organizers can nominate addition prizes by their own decision.
-- Please, take with you your pet passport with valid vaccination.
- Please, don’t forget to bring your agility working books to competition secretary, except A0 and veteran classes.
-- Please, be on place at least 45 minutes before your class start
Don't hesitate to contact us in case of any question or suggestions. You can write us by e-mail: or call to mobile phone +37126730294