Speciality dogshow for I FCI group 2012

Date: 02.07.2011
Place: Ogre
Judge: Igoris Zizevskis (Lietuva/Lithuania)
Show committee keeps the right to change the judge if necessary!
LKF biedriem (katrs nākošais suns) |
Foreign participants (every next dog) |
visi dalībnieki* |
kucēni, veterāni |
all participants* |
puppies, veterans |
Till 13.06 |
Ls 10 (9) |
Ls 5 |
EUR 30 (25) |
EUR 15 |
* All participants- junior, intermediate, open, working and Champion class
Couple competition, breeder's group, progeny group- free, registration on e-mail lagsak@gmail.com
e-mail: lagsak@gmail.com
Online registration on FCI 1.group dog show
All payments on the show day